On D Day

On a hospital ship anchored off the coast of Normandy during the D Day Invasion, the miracle of one Muslim scholar was finally realized in full.  An effective, injectable antibiotic was discovered, though never fully tested.  

Tests matter little when men were dying by the thousands and tens of thousands more were missing arms and legs, their only chance for survival resting on the latest miracle.

I have given science a fair shake down in this series of essays, but all of the above is worth it if only to arrive in a world where diseases can be cured before they even afflict their victims.

I could not be more grateful for all the blessings accredited academia delivered over the centuries.  No amount of progress can justify the carnage that accredited academia caused at the same time.  

So consistent and so predictable are the outrages which accompany scientific epiphany that the malady afflicting the intelligentsia should properly be regarded as a form of mental illness.

I am no savant in making this observation, so why is a fatal flaw in the Intelligentsia being obscured?  To absolve all implicated institutions their culpability.  Instead of a top to bottom review of academic processes, a boogeymen are consistently blamed for all of the above.

The intelligentsia of the post-War world refused to acknowledge the fatal flaw in the peer review process which led directly to World War I and World War II. 

Instead, the world’s intelligentsia went on a NAZI Hunt!  The next boogeyman had to be found before he acquired power.

To the NAZI Hunt I at last turn.