In Defense of Christianity

In defense of Christianity, Christianity requires no defense.  Don’t mistake my claim for arrogance or conceit.  


I am just saying that the religion is premised on the explicit injustice in the execution of an innocent man.  Nearly everyone in Europe and the Americas has heard the story, but there will be many everywhere else who have never heard the cold, hard facts about the life, trial, acquittal and execution of Iesus of Nazareth.


Just don’t get too focused on the execution of one innocent man.  King Herrod, a pretender to the throne, had earlier ordered the wholesale slaughter of every infant “from the river to the sea” because he could not find the child anointed to replace him.


To put the Christmas narrative in modern, literary terms, Caesar was Lord Voldemort, King Herrod was Voldemort’s flunky, and Iesus of Nazareth was the Boy Who Lived.


Thirty years after the Slaughter of the Innocents, the Boy Who Lived returned to Jerusalem to confront the corrupt Priests and the Herodian Elite who were then conspiring to enslave the people of the region in servitude to Caesar.  To silence Iesus of Nazareth, Herod had the High Priest of the Temple charge Iesus with both blasphemy and heresy, but Iesus refused to remain silent.


Judaism did not have a death penalty, though, so Herod and the High Priests fabricated charges they believed Caesar would regard as treasonous.  


Iesus’ claim to the throne of Judea was not just accurate and operative, it was imminent.  But threatening to depose Herod was not enough to incite Caesar’s concerns.  If anything, in Caesar’s eyes, the message Iesus was delivering in his sermons was an improvement on the status quo.  Caesar was just as content to manipulate one puppet as the next.


So Herod and the Priests reported to Caesar’s governor in Jerusalem, a man named Pontius Pilate, that Iesus was claiming sovereignty in superposition to that of Caesar.


In a famous dialogue between Iesus of Nazareth and Pontius Pilate, Iesus of Nazareth warned Pontius Pilate of Herod’s gambit, to force Caesar to crucify him, and incite his followers to rebel.  Pilate realized his peril in the nick of time, and so announced to the crowd that he had found Iesus of Nazareth innocent of all charges.  Iesus, of course, was innocent of the charges.  Iesus never claimed to be King of an earthly Realm, rather a spiritual Realm.


As far as Caesar was concerned, anyone could have all the spiritual realms they wanted, as long as they left the earthly realm to Caesar.


Herod disagreed.  And since Herod’s supporters dominated the crowd listening to Pontius Pilates’ verdict, Pontius Pilate finally capitulated to the crowd’s demands to free a rebellious Jew named Barrabas and crucify Iesus of Nazareth instead.


Case closed on the Boy Who Lived.


Except Christianity isn’t about the Boy Who Lived, it is about the explicit and implicit rights of every human being to live in a just world.  Christ was not crucified because of his crimes.  Christ was crucified because of Herod’s crimes.  


The Herodian regime had ordered a Holocaust of the Innocents on hearing the news that Herod’s successor had been born.  Herod wasn’t just breaking Caesar’s rules, Herod was breaking everyone’s rules, and not just any rule.  Herod was breaking the cornerstone of every society that has ever existed.  Herod was sacrificing the next generation to secure his own generation.


What everyone unfamiliar with Arabia or its three, major religious traditions must understand is that Arabia, since 1800 BC, has been living in the Abramic Age, an age inaugurated in a human rights movement, an age dedicated to ending murder in all of its varied forms.


I know, judging from what we see on the news from this region, one would be correct to suspect that effort is not going well.  Trust me, what we witness on the news is just the worst and, while the worst is tragically flawed and as far from Abram’s intent as one can imagine, the news only offers the worst in a region with extraordinarily deep historical roots and diverse people.


I will be offering a comprehensive defense of Arabia in my published research and here return to a defense of Christianity.


As I stated above, Christianity requires no defense.  Christendom, on the other hand, does.


No, I do not intend to excuse the misdeeds of Christians across the ages, nor every Christian denomination in the world today, if only because I am ignorant about the diverse denominational distinctions made in my own community.


I am offering a defense of Christians living outside of Arabia and Africa, which appears to leave only European Christians to defend, but be cautious in your conclusions.  The Boy Who Lived offers such a compelling historical example to humanity that He is welcomed into communities in every nation around the world. 


The prospect that, as individuals, we can change the world merely by living a righteous life, despite the depravity of one’s political culture or historical times, that prospect offers hope where there is otherwise none at all.  Add to that prospect the Promise of transcendence and Life Everlasting, and Christianity’s appeal becomes obvious.


Frankly, I don’t see how any political faction can object to Christianity as a philosophy, and its Promise will only ever be realized after death, so how, where and when Christianity became controversial escapes me.


I offer here a defense of Christianity as a broader, socio-cultural phenomenon.  In particular, I am offering a defense of Europe’s Christian Community, for it was in Europe that Christianity finds its most prolific spiritual ground.


If historians truly look back on European history with objectivity they would be awed at the spectacle of an entire continent abandoning their “indigenous beliefs” just to adopt the religious canon and legal precepts of Arabia.


And do let’s be clear on the point I am making about Arabia, until the advent of Islam, there was little distinction between the Din of Arabia and the Din of Judea.  Judea is, after all, a part of Arabia.  Just don’t try convincing accredited academia of that fact today.  Accredited academia seeks to carve “The Levant” out of Arabia as a region.


Don’t worry.  My research will reassert the proper historical context of a Realm which finds its springs in the headwaters of the Euphrates and Tigris, there on the slopes of Mount Ararat.


What should concern us here and now, is not where socio-political distinctions were being drawn in 1800 BC, but where socio-political distinctions were drawn following Constantine’s Conversion.  Europe, besieged and nearly broken under Caesarean Apartheid, simply abandoned everything they knew about themselves historically, and adopted the Torah as the authoritative, historical cannon of Europe.


My mind boggles at how much damage Caesar must have done to make the wholesale conversion of a continent appear the wisest and most equitable path to take.  If you ask anyone in European academia today, European Christians are accused of cultural appropriation and identity theft.  If you ask anyone in Islamic Academia today, European Christians are accused of being Crusaders and Infidels.


Allow me to offer an independent take on the Conversion of Europe.


Europe realized it could never recover their historical narratives following seven hundred years of occupation and Apartheid under Caesar because their Iconographic Writing system had been reduced to a secret script maintained only by the resistance.  What were Europe’s Nobility to do?


Nothing Caesar offered in print had any moral merit, but a narrative of an Arabian kindred called the Israelites came to light following Constantine’s Conversion.


The Miracle in Constantine’s Conversion is not to be found in the conversion of a single soul, but in the conversion of an entire continent.  It is one thing for a single man to walk away from everything he did in his life, all the accolades he earned in his brief history.  It is another thing entirely for an entire continent to let go of their history and start fresh.


Europe had no choice.


Does anyone anywhere give serious credence to Pictish Symbol Stones, Irish legends or the Icelandic Sagas?








Because nearly all of these volumes of lore are, if not written in Iconographic Script itself, related in Iconographic Narratives, it is difficult to interpret aboriginal lore as non-fiction.  But that is precisely what they are, as we are all about to discover.


This website, all of my research, indeed, now, my life, is devoted to a re-interpretation of the Iconographic Record.  Follow me long enough and you will realize it takes work, and more than a bit of reasoning to unravel the literature of the archaic.


Beginning in Arabia, beginning with Abram, both iconographic Writing and Iconographic narratives were abandoned in favor of non-fiction prose.


True, there are still examples of Iconographic Narrative and Epic Poetry in the Torah, but on the whole, heroic narratives which casts one’s leaders and one’s people in a flawless, grandiose light, were abandoned in favor of realistic, confessional forms of history.


I argue, Europeans found the realism and confessional nature of the Torah to be irrefutable proof, not just of the humanity of Jews, but of all human beings everywhere.  Perhaps one would have to experience the depths of depravity under Caesar’s Apartheid to understand the conversion of an entire continent.


What boggles me is the reception Christians were given in Arabia.  Granted, leading the re-unification process off with a Children’s Crusade to liberate Jerusalem certainly isn’t the way to Arabia’s heart, for they just witnessed God Almighty reduce Herod to ashes following Christ’s crucifixion.  Herod’s Slaughter of the Innocents was fresh in the mind’s of Arabia’s Nobility when Europeans began nibbling on the opposite side of the same cookie.


Caesar’s Apartheid formed from the inside out, then died and decomposed in the same manner.  Caesar’s Empire was a cookie left on the table unclaimed.  In Europe, the leaders of the Resistance emerged as Europe’s Nobility.  At the same time, Arabia’s Nobility were trying to put Arabia back together again.


Both Arabians and Europeans were correctly driven to reclaim and secure everything which once lay in darkness.  As Europeans fought against the dregs of hedonism in Europe, Arabians fought against the dregs of hedonism in Northern Africa.  When Europeans advanced as far as Turkey, they began to focus on what lay beyond Anatolia.  When Arabians advanced as far as Morocco, they began to wonder what lay across the Strait of Gibraltar.


Both Europeans and Arabians fell under the sway of Caesar’s curse.  Beyond the boundaries of a mutual reclamation effort, each side saw nothing but heathen barbarism.  Both chose to liberate the world, to its utmost limits, from the barbarism which Caesar brought on the world.


Both Europeans and Arabians were, of course, both wrong and right.  European Christians advanced in their crusade to restore faith to the Holy Land and Arabian Muslims advanced in their crusade to restore faith in Europe.


It truly was a comedy of errors.  A tragic comedy of course.  And both sides made the same tragic mistake.


What I find compelling, though, is that Europeans, culturally impoverished by 700 years of Caesarean Apartheid, just walked away from all their mothers had taught them about European origins and European history, and literally grafted the religious canon of a distant culture in its place.


Perhaps more astounding is the cognitive shock of Arabians, to this very day, that Europeans would do precisely that.  In a very real sense, Arabia is suffering from its own success.  For ages beyond recall Arabians have warned Mankind, if we fail to adopt the wisdom they received in their prayers, we are doomed to remain in perpetual conflict, oscillating from one form of barbarism to the next. 


I don’t believe Arabians were spiritually or emotionally prepared for their success.  For what does one do when countless millions arrive at your door and say “we agree”, then adopt every word you have ever written down as the Gospel Truth?


As an historical phenomenon, the conversion of Europe to Christianity is anything but proof that Europeans are “xenophobes” or “racists”.


The singular, unparalleled example of an entire continent of nations abandoning their historical record to adopt that of a distant land finds no equal.


My defense of Christianity rests on the spiritual maturity and intellectual integrity of Europeans in the hour they each abandoned their iconographic narratives in favor of prose histories found in the Torah.  My research will shed further light on why.  Spoiler alert, it is because the Iconographic Narratives of Europe are narratives which run in perfect parallel to those of the Jews.


Find me an historical example of cultural conversion with equal scope or consequence.  One does not exist anywhere.  No, I refuse to accept that Christians are fundamentally racist or xenophobic, since they are clearly anything but.


The Defense rests.




An Unknown Soldier.