Failsafe Healthcare

No, veterans do not all receive VA Healthcare as a benefit after serving.  But every veteran receives a VA Healthcare Failsafe.  If you are injured in any way, either in combat or in training, you will.  But every veteran discharged under honorable circumstances is eligible for VA provided healthcare at any time in their life if their income level is low enough.

Few veterans fail financially later in life, which means few even know about this benefit of service.  But trust me, if you ever fall on hard times, and you need healthcare, the Armed Forces of the United States will never leave a man (or woman) behind.

Go to any VA hospital or clinic, fill out the necessary paperwork, and you will be healed.

That may not seem like a lot when you are young, and unbreakable, but just the knowledge that you can never fail provides peace of mind which is priceless.  Trust me, the peace of mind, the confidence this assurance will bring to all of your endeavors, is priceless.

Before moving on to a Retirement Home, allow me to address an objection critics will make.  Critics will ask, why, then, are so many veterans homeless and suffering in plain sight?

The critics will want to know that posturing as a veteran is a sure-fire way for solicitors to get cash from passersby.

While I grant you that there are plenty of veterans who are unaware that means tested VA Healthcare is a benefit they earned, the overwhelming majority of “veterans” you see holding cardboard signs on street corners are drug addicts who have never served and are pulling on heart strings.

Anyone who wants to contribute to veterans in financial need is advised to do so through any of the established, accredited veteran’s charitable organizations.