
In the videos featured below I explore the historical implications of a written record as it comes into focus.  All are ordered chronologically, with contemporary implications to geopolitics offered last.

Earliest indication of Iconographic Writing.  Emphasis on the word “indication”.

265,000 BC

Indonesia identified as the locus of inception for the Iconographic Record, following a near extinction event in 80,000 BC.

Exodus – Part 1: 

History resumes following a near extinction event.  Noblesse Oblige saves ManKind from catastrophe.

Exodus – Part 2: The Pheonix of Asia rises from the ashes of Toba.

Exodus – Part 3: Maui leads Austronesia in recovery following a near extinction event.

Exodus – Part 4: Garuda leads in the recovery of civilization along the Middle Path leading from Borneo, to the Himalayas.

Mao’s Revolution Criminalized the Confuscian Histories of China, which Sanxingdui now reverses.

In the Kingdom of Thailand a Royal Archive deciphered in the iconography of His Majesty’s Royal Barges.

Gaia Exposed


A legacy of plagiarism and identity theft are the consequences of iconographic clarity.

Gaia Deposed

Part 1



Gaia Deposed

Part 2


Gaia Deposed

Part 3

Archaic Science

Gaia Deposed

Part 4

Death Bringers


Gaia Deposed

Part 5

Medicine Crow

An Historical Metaprocess Proposed, Considered and Dismissed.  Audio Only.  Still worthwhile.

2024 Preview


See where I go from here.