In 1918

In 1918 a flu strain, which first circulated, then incubated, in the trenches of World War I was carried to every nation of the world when the soldiers returned home from the War to End All Wars.  Between 1918 and 1920, 50 million people died.


At that time, the last global pandemic in living memory was the Russian Flu pandemic of 1890, which only killed about 1.5 million people worldwide.  Listen to me.  Only killed 1.5 million people.  Count to 1.5 million and then say only.


But unlike the Russian pandemic of 1890, the Spanish Flu of 1918 had confirmed culprits, not just suspects!  In 1890 it was only suspected that pathogens carried by humans carried diseases.  By 1918 it was known as fact that humans were primary vectors of airborne pathogens.  Robert Koch and Erwin Smith let that genie out of Ibn Sahl’s bottle.


By the late 20th century, the panic and social upheaval pandemics cause was no longer a living memory, at least until COVID-19 claimed tens of millions of lives in the pandemic of 2019 to 2021.  The more recent COVID-19 pandemic was, ominously, one century, nearly to the date, of the 1918 pandemic.


Having just survived the COVID-19 pandemic of 2019-2021, we all now have a personal understanding of how the Russian Flu created panic.  Nightly we all watched in horror and disgust as our fellow citizens became unraveled on a bus, train or outside a restaurant simply because someone wasn’t wearing a mask. The modern world, inoculated from the realities of immediate, existential threats, turned on “others”.


I am not sure who Dr. Anthony Fauci was in 1918, but he had to be there, somewhere.  Read the papers from that period and you’ll be shocked at the near perfect parity between 1919 and 2019.  Asians across the globe were subjected to the same sociopathic reflex which “Jews” were subjected to in Eastern Europe at the end of the 19th century.


The only reason widespread pogroms did not occur during the latest pandemic is because we all now know diseases are not Divine punishment for societal sins.  That, I regret to say, is what Christian theology maintained in 1890.  I will allow my brothers and sisters to explain their tradition’s doctrine on disease and sin, for every major religious tradition had one.


All religious doctrines on disease were wrong.


In an existential crisis, misconceptions obtain an inertia of their own and, after two thousand years of priestly instruction, Europeans were reflexively fearful of moral corruption in their midst.  Even if Europe’s Jews were not so closely associated with the crucifixion of Christ, Jews were destined to be singled out in the panic of 1890 owing only to their ethnic cohesion.


Do not mistake me for either claiming the Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ.  Just note that those who have been so convinced are primed to exhibit antisemitic attitudes during an existential crisis. 


Neither should you mistake me for suggesting the Church intended any insult or injury against Jews at any point in history.  I reflect on the documented causes of antisemitism in Europe and arrive at conclusions I find nowhere in print.  I would, therefore, keep my opinion to myself, but the Lord apparently has other plans. 


My research obligates me to address the rise of antisemitism in every age documented in the Iconographic Record.  In the case of the Hebrew people, that begins with Abraham in 1800, but extends back to Noah in direct lineage.  Does anyone want to venture a guess on that earlier date?


Whether I am right or wrong about the Iconographic Record in the vicinity of Mount Ararat, I am obligated to document what I regard the truth.  Since the truth I am about to reveal about Persian origins will contradict the doctrines of the Supreme Leader in Tehran, I’ll share what I have discovered here and await the Ayatollah’s response.


The only documented Bonifides of Persian Sovereignty are today found in Genesis, in the narrative of Noah and his three sons, of a raven and a dove which settled on the slopes of Mount Ararat following a near extinction event in the archaic. On Christmas Day of 2023 the veracity of my claim will be proven, though direct attribution to the Kingdom of Ararat will have to wait.


I believe the Supreme Leader in Tehran will require time to process what is about to be revealed.  For while the Supreme Leader in Tehran has been vehement in his demands the “Jews” be wiped from the face of the map, he should be careful what he wishes for.  The Persian people and the “Jews” are 1st cousins if not immediate brothers.


I can already hear the laughter in Tehran.  It will come to an abrupt halt on Christmas Day of 2023.  No, I do not expect that the Ayatollah will accept my interpretation of the Iconographic Record from the region, but he will on that day realize this is not clickbait.


I here warn the Supreme Leader in Tehran, “To deny your brother is to deny yourself”.  When my discovery passes peer review, which it is certain to do, the Supreme Leader in Tehran will realize, to fulfill his oath against the “Jews”, he will have to wipe himself off the face of the map.


But look at me, in allowing the Supreme Leader to dictate the terms, I make the same mistake.  “Jews”, is a misnomer which requires correction.  Let’s all make a good effort at defining whom we speak of before any starts wiping faces off maps.


“Jew” is an inadequate word to describe an ethnic group composed of twelve, dominant kindreds, or tribes.  I prefer the word kindred because I just detest the word “tribe”.  Tribe wreaks of pejorative when it does not wreak of condescension. 


If the Torah is to be trusted, and I accept that it is, then we will all agree Judah only lent his name to one of twelve kindreds in ancient Israel.  Where we assume the population of each kindred was roughly similar, we conclude Judeans, as an ethnic group, only composed 9% of the Children of Israel.


That proportion should prime all discussions on antisemitism.  If we insist on employing an adjective, such as Jew, in the place of the proper noun, Hebrew, what could possibly befall us in the tiltyard?  If we are destined to fight, let’s at least all use the correct lances, agreed?


Deconstructing the words Judah, Judea and Jew, we learn that, following a civil war in the sixth century BC, all but two kindreds lost their sovereignty.  The Northern Kingdom of Israel conspired to overthrow David’s heir and Asyria intervened to save the rightful ruler of Israel.  The kindreds of Benjamin remained loyal to the Law of Moses and, together with the Judahites, formed the Kingdom of Judea.


The point I am failing to make is that the “Judea” that Caesar occupied centuries later was, ethnically, only composed of two of twelve tribes.  Mind you, not everyone living in the Kingdom of Judea in Caesar’s day were Judahites and Benjaminites, for the population of Judea grew greatly following the civil war, owing to a change of heart among many Hebrews of the former Northern Kingdom.


But if we only accept that Judahites and Benjaminites maintained cultural historical Bonifides within their kindred lands, as is suggested by the ten “Lost Tribes of Israel”, the proportion of Israelites ethnically represented in the Kingdom of Judea was only 18% of the Hebrew population of the Levant.


In fact, the only reason Jews are called Jews today is because Caesar’s generals slapped labels on all barbarians, labels convenient to Caesar’s purposes.  Caesar’s first purpose was cultural obscuration.  As odd as it sounds, the very term “Jew” is antisemitic since it obscures over 80% of an ethnic group which has been virtually forgotten.


The supreme Leader will, of course, rejoice at this interpretation of the facts, but it will be the last time I please him.  I am just insisting that Hebrew is the correct term for the ethnic group. Judaism is the term adopted for their religion. 


Hebrew is a noun.  Jew is an adjective, and one which is wholly inadequate for our purposes.


Few know this, but the term “Jew” is contested among the Children of Israel.  There are more descendants of Israel living and worshipping as Israelites in Lebanon than the State of Israel is willing to recognize.  The Israelites of Samaria, who have lived and worshipped in Lebanon since the civil war, insist they practice the authentic religion of Moses.  Israelites in the modern state of Israel insist they practice the authentic religion of Moses. 


You see, the Northern Kingdom of Israel, following their defeat in the civil war of the seventh century BC, was ascribed the name Israel and Samaria, or just Samaria.  Christians will recognize the name Samaria from eyewitness accounts documenting the life, mission and fate of a certain rabbi from Nazareth.  Christians, on learning what I just shared, may conclude that the “Good Samaritan” of Christ’s day was in fact a descendant of Israel. 


That cannot be proven but is just as likely as not.  Descendants of both Canaanites and Israelites have lived in the Levant since Abram acceded to his station in the region.  I won’t attempt to travel farther back in history than Abraham, just be aware that the iconographic record does.  Both the Lilly and the Burning Olive Tree of Canaan are about to be revealed, with consequences for the regional narrative which Israel will be forced to accept.


Regardless of the politics which result in modern, ethnic distinctions in the Levant, there is no refuting the ethnicity of the people of Israel and Samaria.  Many, if not most are Hebrew.


Anyone who believes I am being unnecessarily pedantic in my explanation of Russia’s pogroms against the “Jews”, is underestimating just how much importance racists place on Jewish blood.  It was following Robert Koch’s discovery of pathogens, and his suggestion of hereditary immunity, that original sin and blood became an obsession of socialists all over Europe.


I haven’t asked the Ayatollah about his position on Socialist theories of biological inheritance.  I am just assuming I don’t have to ask.  Do correct me if I am wrong.


The Supreme Leader in Tehran may be taken at his word when he proclaims he will wipe “Jews” from the face of the map.  Do not think for a moment that racists like that will satisfy themselves with 18% while leaving 82% on the face of the map.  Samarians, many of whom today think of themselves as Lebanese, are certain to test positive for the “Jew” gene, after the Ayatollah orders genetic testing of his followers.


In 1890, of course, racist attitudes in Persia were not operative, not in Tsarist Russia anyway.  But the demographic realities in play in 700 BC compound across the ages in attitudes toward “Jews” from that point forward. 


What mystified most Russians was how Jews came to be living among Russians in the first place.  The same mystery is found throughout the Danube.  “Jews”, of course, were banished into exile by Caesar’s generals following the uprising sparked by the crucifixion of one innocent man. 


That uprising lasted decades and, in the same year the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, the Kingdom of Judah was dissolved, her aristocracy, clergy, and nobility rounded up, then force marched to the most distant frontiers in Caesar’s sadistic empire.  That generation of “Jews”, the first to be sent into exile, took with them all the arguments “Jews” were having between them the day Christ was crucified.


It is all there is black and white, though few Christians pay attention to the information revolution underway in that age.  I encourage Christians to read the New Testament this Christmas and pay particular attention to the controversy raging between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, for that battle is the reason Iesus of Nazareth was considered the Word of God.


In the last century BC, phonetic writing had just been introduced and a movement to document the Torah in writing for the first time was underway.  The Sadducees and the Levites were leading the effort to formally document the Torah, to write it down on scrolls and maintain them in the Temple for the good of all.


That idea rubbed the Pharisees the wrong way because, until phonetic writing was invented, the Torah existed in the living memory of every male child born to an Israelites.  For countless tens of thousands of years, kindred traditions were maintained orally, and that required a great effort and discipline on everyone’s part.  BY everyone, I mean man.  Among the Israelites, just as among every culture dependent on oral tradition, young boys were educated by teachers and required to memorize, then recite from recall a portion of their religious canon.


This tradition is still practiced among the Tibetan and Hindu monks to this very day.  In fact, Tibetan and Hindu monks still memorize and recite in the original Sanskrit. 


“Jews” will of course recognize this traditional way of recording and recalling information as a Bar Mitzvah.  On the day a boy could remember his assigned portion of the Law of Moses, he was considered to have become a man of the law.


The Pharisees of Christ’s day were outraged at the suggestion that the narratives they were all required the Mosaic Covenant to keep, to make part of their very being, was to be scrawled on vellum and rolled up like sack cloth and stored in a closet in the Temple.


Truly try to relate.  The Pharisees regarded the Torah as a living document, a document which was literally a part of every Jewish man’s very being.  The Pharisees called the Torah committed to memory the “Living Torah”, a document permanently tethered to a conscience.


So you see, the information revolution under way in Christ’s day struck at the core of every man’s soul and every “Jew” was intimately invested in that conflict’s outcome.


In response to the Pharisees, the Sadducees correctly pointed out that the narratives were that which was sacred, not the attachment of those who held the memory.  Narratives varied too greatly in the telling.  Where memories weren’t fading, spin was being imposed, so the Sadducees and the Levite Priests were insistent.  The “Living Torah” would be transcribed and every boy taught to read.


In the last century BC, the Boy Who Lived through Herod’s slaughter of the innocents matured into a rabbi from Nazareth.  Iesus famously had studied and remembered every word of the Torah.  To the Pharisees and all who supported their stance, Iesus of Nazareth was not just a portion of the Living Torah, Iesus of Nazareth was the Living Word of God”.


The ire Iesus instilled in the Sadducees and their Priestly supporters had less to do with his teachings and more to do with the fact he could teach at all.  With no scrolls, no papyri, and no obligation to know anything beyond his ascribed portion, Iesus was proving the Sadducees wrong every time he opened his mouth.


Spies were sent into the crowd by the Priests to test the Boy Who Lived.  Try as they might, they could find no point where Iesus of Nazareth would misspeak or misquote the Torah maintained in the Temple.


Iesus was more than just an extraordinary man.  Iesus was a cultural phenom, and a cultural phenom rumored to be the rightful Heir of David.


In terms of the information technology revolution under way, Iesus of Nazareth was the John Henry of his age, that famous miner who challenged then personally defeated the steam drill in mortal combat.  John Henry tragically died with his hammer in his hand, and Christ with these words on his lips, “Forgive them, Father.  They know not what they do.”


Believe what you want regarding what occurred three days later, just know that, when Caesar rounded up the Pharisees and Sadducees, the Levite Priests and all of Herod’s sycophants and force marched them to frontier forts all along the Danube and Rhine, they carried this argument with them.

In diaspora, the Pharisees prevailed.  


The Sadducees no longer had authority to judge, and their sons no longer recalled their portion of the Torah.  The Levite priests had no venue, even if they had the authority to preside, so the Levites in diaspora became just another lost tribe of Israel.  The rabbis, that is, the lay teachers who fought so hard to prevent the Torah from being transcribed in the first place, took up the Levite scrolls in capitulation to the inevitable technology sweeping the globe.


Phonetic writing was the Twitter of that age and, in an ultimate defeat, the rabbis were forced to live in the new Twitterverse.


Just don’t think that ended the argument.  That argument remains a key point of contention among rabbinical scholars, with the best of them earning their credentials in proportion to the portion they can memorize.  All along the Danube and Rhine this argument could be heard in any given Schull.


The Danube and Rhine were prominent frontiers, and from these points of initial exile did the Hebrew people in diaspora make new lives in Europe.  Caesar’s cruelty, not “Jewish conspiracies” account for the introduction of Hebrews in European society.


From that starting point an observation must be made.  More than just “Jews” were exiled to the frontiers of Caesar’s empire, yet no memory of these others persists.  I attribute the ethnic resilience of the Hebrew people to their origins in Exodus from Egypt. 


If we consider who we are talking about, and what makes them a family today, we realize the Caesarean Diaspora isn’t the Hebrew people’s first rodeo.  Not at all.  After 400 years of bondage in Egypt, the Israelites were liberated and restored to their ancestral lands in the Levant.


We’ve all heard the story.


But stop and consider what effect that experience will have had on its people.  After being cutoff from their kinsmen and their religion for so long, after being lost, both physically and spiritually, from their fathers and mothers, the Israelites dedicated themselves to God and swore “Never again”.


The “Jews” are as cohesive as they are because of a Covenant they made with God at the foot of Mount Sinai many thousands of years ago.  “Never again” would the Children of Israel become lost to their origins and their creed.


Of course, that is not the dominant message of sermons being preached all across Europe from the 1st century AD forward.  The story of the Mosaic Exodus isn’t a difficult story to read, but apparently it is a difficult story to accept, for, no matter where the “Jews” are found in the wider world, resentment at their ethnic cohesion grows into antisemitism. 


All others assimilated, why not the “Jews”? 


You’d think Christians would be first to answer that challenge.   A deal is deal, and when you make a deal with God, you break it at great peril to your conscience.  Regrettably, that truth is obscured by centuries of sermons in which the “Jews” are employed as proxies in social commentary on current times.


Priests throughout Christendom, for over two thousand years mind you, have every Sunday exhorted their congregation to remain faithful to God’s commandments.  That is to be expected.  In every age prior to 1905, these sermons became vehement when crisis or disease ravaged the land.


Do not read intent where there was none.


Priests have just found it less controversial to implore righteousness in their communities with object lessons drawn from the Bible than openly identify the same sin in their own communities.  Priests who cite the transgressions of the Israelites intend to draw attention to modern parallels in their own communities.  Scriptures taken from the Torah are examples that are immediately relevant everywhere because “Jews” are just like everyone else. 


No bad intent can be read into Christien sermons, but we all know where good intensions lead.  In 1890, when a terrifying pandemic swept across the Russian steppe and raced up the Danube, too many sermons rang wrong in too many ears.


That Jews were, at least rhetorically, sacrificial lambs in every Christian community across the globe, only primed Eastern Europeans for a psychotic break.  Pogroms must not be appreciated as a political movement, but a sociopathic response to an existential crisis.


Personally, I believe Priests and Preachers alike should exercise moral courage and stop using “Jews” as the crash test dummy when exhorting their congregations to repent.  If you earnestly believe your community is wayward, don’t place the burden on another’s shoulders.


But that’s just my opinion.  My opinion certainly wasn’t operative in the late 19th century.


In 1890, and unlike during any previous pandemic, the news of Robert Koch’s research had circulated widely among Eastern Europe’s academic community.  Your average Russian would have known nothing about Koch’s disease theory, but among the intelligentsia the scientific writing was on the wall.


Robert Koch’s research confirmed what many had always suspected: People communicated diseases.  It was suspected by science no less, that “others” were punishing God’s children, not God.  Eastern Europe’s “Jews” were the obvious “others” and they were viciously attacked and driven into the west.

One Ukrainian “Jew”, a man named Lev Davidovich Bronstein, sat at a table in Vienna’s Café Central and reflected on the cyclical madness his people were subjected to and chose to stop being a “Jew”.


Bronstein, who later assumed the pseudonym, Leon Trotsky, was Hebrew.  He never denied that.  But Trotsky turned his back on Judaism.  It was, after all, Judaism which socialists like Bronstein blamed for the persecution of the Hebrew people.  No, that is pulling punches.  It was Judaism that socialists like Bronstein blamed for all societal sin throughout history.


If that seems absurd, you weren’t paying attention to what I just revealed about the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  Lev Davidovich Bronstein, who carried the name of King David on his eternal soul, was precisely what the Pharisees had warned the Sadducees about.  Lev Davidovich Bronstein did not internalize his portion of the Torah. 


Lev was dead to “Judaism”.  And Lev was not alone among those fleeing the pogroms east of the Danube.  I can’t explain Bronstein.  “Jews” today describe Bronstein as a “Self-Hating Jew”, but I believe that accusation masks an underlying problem.  Bronstein does not hate who he was ethnically. 


Bronstein was oblivious to the truth of the Torah, so made a covenant with science instead.  In a cloud of opium smoke, following late night sessions with Alfred Adler, Lev Bronstein convinced himself he had evolved.  If Lev did not save the human species, humanity would descend into a Malthusian nightmare.  And if World War I was not precisely that, a Malthusian nightmare, there was no imagining what a Malthusian nightmare would resemble.


Lev grew to hate religion and everything it produced.  Religion was Lev’s dragon and he intended to slay it.  Everything Lev knew of religion wafted out of the doors of churches in Ukraine where he grew up as a child. 


Every Sunday Lev could hear the hymns sung by his Christian neighbors recounting the plight of the “Jews” and their cycle of sin, repentance and deliverance.  And, while there was clearly no ill intent by the church, the effects of a two-thousand-year litany were about to be documented in “Jewish” blood. 


One wonders what course Lev would have chosen there, in the Café central, had he known the young Bavarian talking with the architect and the playwright was also convinced he had evolved.  If one does wonder, one wonders idly.


Religion was not working out well for “Jews” like Bronstein.  And where there is no faith there can be no messiah.  Bronstein turned his back on religion and looked for a savior in science.


Leon Trotsky, and thousands of “Jews” just like him were desperate to build a rational world wherein religious dogmas could never be turned against innocent people ever again.  Lev concluded the only reason the “Jews” were persecuted was because the Levites committed their religious dogmas to the written record, the Torah.  That written record was nothing less than a catalogue of every societal sin committed in Israel’s four-thousand-year history.


Lev dreamed of the rational world science promised to deliver.  Through social science, Lev became convinced, the tyranny of religion could be ended, and everyone could be friends.  While Europe’s clergy were busy writing predictable sermons in churches all across Europe, Comrade Leon Trotsky began publishing scientific “theses” from a café in Vienna.


The day Lev Bronstein looked in the mirror and saw the latest species to evolve looking back, the day Lev became convinced he was the Proletariat, Leon Trotsky was born.  On that day Leon Trotsky realized he was humanity’s savior.  He would have to be.  If not Leon, then who?


The shock to the system when Comrade Trotsky succeeded in sparking a war cannot be underestimated.  So fragile was peace in Europe demonstrated to be that trust in Europe’s leading institutions melted away like a morning mist.  Few after World War I had any notion of what international order was before World War I.


A new medium, radio , was taking over.  If it wasn’t reported in the new Twitterverse, it was consigned to ancient history in the minds of the little ones.  But World War I was a shock to everyone with eyes to see.  War, until that point, had been romantic tales told on street corners, in state houses and in glorious news articles.


Ibn Sahl’s lens put an end to all that. 


Photographs of the slaughter brought the realities of warfare home to every hearth and home.   And millions died.  Many, many, many millions died.  No less than 11 million soldiers died in static trench warfare, while an estimated 13 million civilians died in collateral damage ranging from starvation to disease worldwide.


In one of those trenches a young Bavarian soldier, a messenger serving in Kaiser Wilhelm’s army watched in horror as the British fielded terrifying new machines called tanks.  If Adolph Hitler did not have an inferiority complex before World War I, he certainly had it following the introduction of the tank in modern warfare.


Millions died and young Adolph was there to witness that carnage firsthand.  Never again, he likely swore.  No biography of Adolph Hitler has ever considered what his thoughts were there in the trenches of World War I, but he could only have reflected on his experiences.  Garbage in, garbage out. 


The young Adolph may not have connected the dots between Trotsky and the outbreak of World War I before rising to power, but he could not fail to remember the young Ukrainian who took up so much space at Café Central years later when he finally did.


And millions died.  Adloph’s was a grudge written in blood.


In the 21st century, where we are all accustomed to thinking in increments of billions, and are only astounded by anything ranging in the trillions, we can no longer relate to the emotional impact of 40 million casualties.  Alfred Adler’s theories on psychology worked all right.  Europe’s leadership were just unaware of what they were up against, or how quickly Adler’s formula would be applied again. 


Adolph would go on to recruit Herman Goering as his propaganda minister and, together, the self-appointed saviors of the Aryan race would apply Adlerian Psychology to devastating effect on the Deutsch population.  Goering would go on to improve, then perfected information warfare.  Adolph would go on to improve, then perfect mechanized warfare.


When the guns fell silent in 1918, none of Europe’s leaders were aware that Comrades Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky were at that moment planning a repeat performance globally.  Trotsky had already attempted a coup in what was at that time still Kaiser Wilhelm’s Kingdom, during peace talks negotiating Russia’s surrender no less. 


Talk about a stab in the back!


I am convinced they would have succeeded too, were it not for the pandemic that swept the globe after the soldiers returned home from the trenches.  Precisely how many people died is not known for certain, but the high estimate is 50 million souls lost across two years of the pandemic.


Add it up.  Between World War I and the pandemic of 1918-1920, one hundred million souls perished.


COVID-19 would have claimed many more lives than the 1918 pandemic if antibiotics and vaccines had not been invented.  It would take the Agnostics until 1944 to find an effective antibiotic, but one brave mother in Russia had already entrusted the lives of her family to a new hypothesis.

Alexandra Romanov, the Deutch wife of Russia’s last Tsar, learned about inoculation theory years before the pandemic of 1918.  Inoculation was proposed as a possible prophylaxis against communicable diseases following further consideration of Robert Koch’s research.


Koch had previously demonstrated that Papua New Guineans appeared to have acquired immunity from the worst effects of malaria, and others from cholera, leading him to speculate immunity could be conditioned through limited exposure to pathogens.  A scratch on the skin with an infected needle, that was all that was required. 


Erwin Smith’s research confirmed the same could be accomplished in plants through breeding resistant strains.  Scientists in accredited academia realized the combination of the two yielded promising scientific opportunities.  Combating pathogens while improving heredity in the population were inevitably suggested.


According to public domain sources, which I believe, inoculation was practiced in both China and India much earlier than in Europe, though it is not likely that was known to European academia until recently.  In Europe, the earliest possible use of inoculation was by Edward Jenner in 1796 when he reports to have inoculated animals against cowpox.  Louis Pasteur later cited Jenner’s earlier claim.  For that reason, I accept Jenner’s report as valid.  The world just would not have known about Jenner had it not been for Pasteur in 1891.


Suffice it to say a promising idea, with no clinical results to be confident of, offered the Tsarina of Russia an opportunity to protect her children from successive waves of deadly diseases sweeping across Europe almost annually.


Alexandra consulted with those she trusted and took the chance.  Alexandra had herself and all her children inoculated, despite the risks.  I needn’t say the Tsarina and her children survived the first inoculations of humans in Russian history.  Those inoculations, or the courage and personal responsibility they bore witness to, would not save the Tsarina or her children from Alfred Adler’s hypotheses. 


Tragically, it was the Kaiser’s agents, Alexandra’s own kinsmen who facilitated Lenin’s, Stalin’s and Trotsky’s repatriation to Russia, a desperate attempt to sew discord in an enemies’ camp.


It was a desperate attempt that worked too well.


As the Tsarina was mentoring her daughters as nurses tending to Russia’s wounded, and planning her youngest daughter’s Debutante Ball, Comrades V.I. Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky were planning Act 2 of the Socialist International.  The guns of the War to End All Wars had not even fallen silent before Trotsky’s coffee klatch began planning a more violent performance.


The sadistic reality of the Bolshevik Coup was that the intelligentsia who seized power in Moscow detested Russia and all Russians.  Russians were thought of as inferior, revolutionary stock by Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky alike, but they all agreed they stood no chance of seizing power in neighboring Deutschland.


Deutschland is where the Socialist International had wanted to start the revolution, but Deutschland was abandoned to the National Socialists. 


The Socialists International may have succeeded in staging a worldwide revolution immediately, had the pandemic not thrown Europe into utter chaos.  Nobody was going to be staging a revolution, not any time soon.  Everyone was just trying to survive.  Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky had their hands full in Russia, and nothing Alfred Adler proposed could help them once the Spark was struck.


The rallying cry of the Bolsheviks was the fury over Deutsch influence in Mother Russia’s affairs.  Hatred for the Deutsch was already at a peak because of the war, and the pandemic amplified and compounded the sadism let loose in Russia by Lenin’s “theses”.


The Tsar’s abdication proved no bulwark against the rising tide.


Anastasia never got to attend her Debutante ball.  If only she had.  I am not suggesting that a trivial moment in a little girl’s life would have had any effect on world events.  Imagining Anastasia going on to live the life she deserved, as she had planned, just magnifies what we all have lost.


A clique of Europe’s intelligentsia experienced a psychotic break, became convinced they had evolved into a superior species of hominid, then rationalized violent revolution in extremely scientific terms.  The Bolsheviks struck a match at every opportunity which presented itself until, at long last, the objects of their revolutionary ire was corralled into a basement of a dacha in the Russian countryside.


What ultimately happened to Anastasia, her sisters, brother and mother is beyond comprehension.  The Tsar’s children were not just murdered at point blank range.  They were sexually violated, murdered at point blank range, then their corpses were sexually violated again.


Anyone who questions why a young Bavarian named Adolph Hitler nursed such an intense hatred for the “Jews” and “Slavs” from Café Central, has neglected to recall what happened to a beloved Deutsch mother named Alexandria and her innocent children. 


In fact, the intense hatred the National Socialist Worker’s Party nursed for Kaiser Wilhelm’s Reich are found in the same insult, for it was the Kaiser, after all, who made the Bolshevik Coup possible in the first place.


Adolph declared, never again.  Science was going to rule society from that day forward.


Imagine now the historical implications had only Anastasia attended her ball.  When we realize Anastasia never got to live the life she deserved to live, we realize none of us have lived the lives we deserved to live. 


For who among us would have lived another life if the “intelligentsia” had not gone completely insane in 1918?  So complete and so destructive was the violence unleashed by the Socialist International and the National Socialist Worker’s Party that the natural course of history is today unfathomable.


Write your own “alternate ending” to the pandemic of 1918.  Imagine, instead, that Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky all contracted the flu and died.  What would the world look like today?


Now calculate the loss to humanity.


Anastasia’s Ball will forever remain no trivial wish.