In 1933

In 1933 Thomas Hunt Morgan was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the role chromosomes play in cell replication and, of course, inheritance.  Chromosomes had been identified as nucleic structures in the late 1800s, but their role in the propagation and replication of all cellular life was only suspected. 


Hunt himself was co-author of “The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity” in 1916, in which he proposed chromosomes were not just a determinant of heredity, but the determinant of heredity.  He later went on to prove that as fact, though the specifics of how chromosomes worked were thought to be mechanical.


Nobody, not even the National Socialist Worker’s Party, suspected that chromosomes were software.


Whether or not news of this discovery reached the Proletariat is not known, and the earliest textbook on genetics would not receive widespread acclaim until 1933, the year the Reichstag burned down.  The coincidence may not be coincidence.


So convinced had the National Socialists become that human evolution was one part physical, one part cognitive and one part ideological that all reinforcing scientific proof will have been a call to action.


Will I ever be able to prove that was the case?  Not likely.  Frankly, I don’t care, for in an age when everyone was wrong, why bother?  What I am certain of, is that the Socialist International, now dominated by the Soviets from Moscow, didn’t care one wit.  The Socialist International were convinced human evolution was primarily cognitive. 


Lenin had, by 1933, improved on Marx’s theory by suggesting anyone could be psychologically conditioned – forced to “evolve” in their thinking – with a little help from friends.  According to Lenin’s “theses”, whoever could not be “evolved” into the Proletariat, would have to be liquidated.


Of course Lenin was not long gone by 1933, but the Man of Steel had assumed control of the Soviet Juggernaut, declared all Ukrainians unredeemable genetic stock and launched the Holodomor the previous year. 


The world did nothing in response to Stalin’s campaign of genocide.  Adolph Hitler & Company took notes.  Adolph Hitler watched in paranoid fascination as the world around him descended into madness and capitalist economies, as Marx predicted, began to fail.  In 1933, it must be recalled, the world was in the depths of the Great Depression, so even if anyone wanted to intervene militarily in Ukraine, the financial resources did not exist to build the required armies.


And millions died.  


Armchair historians still insist that the United States could have, should have intervened, but they neglect the fact America’s army was disbanded immediately after World War I.  Odd as it sounds today, the United States Constitution explicitly prohibits a standing army.  The defining document of the nation was written in an age when the western hemisphere was so isolated from the rest of the world our Founding Father rested in the knowledge they would have months if not years to prepare for any invasion.


In that age it was agreed a standing army could only be turned against the People, not a foreign foe.  These fears were not unfounded, for that was precisely what Jefferson Davis and his socialist supporters in academia did to start the American Civil War.


As I write this Ukrainians are desperately trying to stop Russia’s army from again perpetrating genocide in Ukraine and are horrified to watch the Congress of the United States debate whether they will fund further aid for Ukraine.  I want to reassure my Ukrainian friends we will not fail them.  


This apparently absurd process has nothing to do with Ukraine, but with a flaw in the Constitution of the United States.  Since we are not allowed to have a standing army with special authorization, rivals in Congress can, and always have held the Armed Forces of the United States hostage.


Get used to it because it will be an annual event.  Just don’t worry.  Once Americans have awakened to a national security threat, they don’t fall back to sleep.  Waking Americans up is just difficult.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt wanted to intervene in 1932, he just could not wake Americans up to the immediate threat of Soviet Expansionism.  The full horrors of what Stalin was attempting in Ukraine was not, in 1933 yet known.  In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt also had a terrifying problem of his own.  Americans, like Ukrainians, were beginning to starve.


In April of 1933, as Thomas Hunt Morgan was preparing to accept his Nobel Prize, the Roosevelt Administration formed the Civilian Conservation Corps, an emergency measure against starvation.  The Civilian Conservation Corps was a public works initiative which would go on to employ 3 million unemployed men and women at its height of service.  Mostly men, but there were a few women.


Adolph Hitler & Company noted how popular work camps were under the capitalism.  And Adolph Hitler & Company noted just how effective Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in his use of radio as a broadcast medium.  Until the invention of radio, the only way to manipulate the Social Psyche and strike a spark was with the printed word.  And you can only reach people willing to read with the printed word.


But radio!  What a quantum leap forward in Adlerian Psychology radio proved to be.  Even passersby would stop and listen when someone important was giving a speech on the radio.  In a crisis, like the Great Depression, every radio had a small crowd around it nearly every hour of the day. 


Barbers even stopped talking.  They just turned on the wireless and enforced the silence.  Mind you, radio had been around since 1920, and it were the big bands on radio that provided the heartbeat of the roaring twenties, but it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who taught the political machines of the world to make radio a partisan domain.


In a series of 30 “fireside chats” beginning in March of 1933, and ending in 1940, people all over the world were mesmerized by the ability to listen, in real time, as the President of the United States encouraged the nation through the depths of the depression.


Lighting struck in Joseph Goebbels’ psychotic mind.  Adolph Hitler had just been elected Chancellor of Deutschland, and himself had just given his first official radio broadcast, but official speeches necessarily catered to official audiences, and it was the common folk who the National Socialist Worker’s party were most interested in inciting.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s innovative “fireside chat” format was precisely what the NAZI doctor ordered.  So motivated were the National Socialists to dominate the Social Psyche that he ordered Deutsch industries to manufacture “Volksempfanger”, inexpensive radio sets the common folk could afford, the “iPhone” of that age.


Do not mistake me for attributing Adolph Hitler’s rise to Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  Adloph Hitler already had a comprehensive propaganda machine in place by the side Franklin sat down for a chat, FDR just provided the intimate, familial form that Adolph lacked. 


No, Joseph Goebbels was no slacker.  In 1927 the National Socialist Worker’s Party immediately realized the potential of a new invention, moving pictures!  Movies had been around for decades, but they lacked sound, and captions didn’t allow for the indoctrination the Social Psyche required.  Besides, the technology was very choppy and that made everything look rushed and comical.


An English actor named Charles Spencer Chaplin exploited the idiosyncratic tempo of early film technology and rose to international fame playing a silly, stumbling hobo everyone just called Charlie Chaplin.  Chaplin’s silent films were short and hysterical and, owing to the actor’s universal appeal and the good will he generated, Joseph Goebbels convinced Adloph to lose his long, handlebar moustache and adopt the neat, upper lip of Charlie Chaplin.


A star was born.  A death star.


No psychologist has ever evaluated the role a charming countenance played in the rise of Adolph Hitler to power, but in 1927, when films were finally given a voice, millions worldwide were preconditioned to hear what the funny man on the silver screen had to say.


Today actors are all debating the extent of their copyrights as AI takes the stage.  I have to say, SAGA has missed its mark, for the time to have set copyright infringement precedents was long ago.


Am I claiming that Charlie Chaplin made Hitler’s rise inevitable?  No.  I am claiming that a new window was opened into the individual psyche, and the devil wasted no time leaping through it.  In 1927, the captains of the film industry were playing with a new medium and trying to find ways to make a profit in the process.  The National Socialist Worker’s Party were planning a global war of extinction.


Charle Spencer Chaplin was publicly horrified by the psychotic plagiarist in Munich and went to work mocking the man who had invaded his domain and appropriated his very appearance.  It would not be until 1940 that Charlie Chaplin turned his cameras on Hitler personally in his film “The Dictator”, but by then it was too late.


The once famous visage of a small, brown-haired man with a narrow-lipped moustache is now indelibly associated with Adolph Hitler.


Charlie Chaplin had crawled through Ibn Sahl’s lens and into the hearts of millions worldwide.  The greatest sociopaths in human history followed closely behind in Charlie Chaplin disguise.


Adlerian Psychology worked like a charm.


As Adolph Hitler & Company made off with Charlie Chaplin’s trademark appearance, and Thomas Hunt Morgan was relishing the acclaim he received for wining the Noble Prize, a shy woman named Lillian Vaughan Morgan was diligently searching with Ibn Sahl’s lens for answers to questions of her own.


Lillian Vaughan Morgan, you will want to know, was Thomas Hunt Morgan’s wife.  The two were both biologists, though Lillian the junior of the two, at least professionally.  Lillian met Thomas while he was teaching at Bryn Mawr and the two fell in love.


Lillian was not granted tenure, or even a teaching position when Thomas Hunt Morgan was employed at Cornell, but he granted her unofficial status and a laboratory of her own where she daily viewed slides under the microscope.  Lillian and Thomas were intellectually married, you see, so what they worked on, they worked on together.


It was Lillian who had, in 1926, discovered ring chromosomes!


I know! Exciting huh?  Something new for everyone to speculate about!


And speculate they did.  Not much at first, but ring chromosomes would prime socialists for their next psychotic break.  And it had everything to do with melanin, so take notes.  Despite the fact that little of validity had been observed about the structure of chromosomes, and nothing was known about their actual mechanism of action, opinions had been rubberstamped and accepted as “theory”.


By the time Lillian spotted a curios new shape in chromosomes she was studying, the pseudoscientific gospel of the X and Y chromosomes had already proliferated among the professorial class and been accepted by their fans in the press.  All men appeared to have a “Y” shaped chromosome where women had an “X” shaped chromosome.


Never mind what the two shapes did.  Nobody then knew.  They knew it was important because men were “Y” and women were “X” shaped.


Lillian Vaughan Hunt discovered that was not always the case.


See the problem?


You guessed it.  We are presently at war over this very question.


What’s that?  You thought this was going to be simple?


I am not trying to make the world make sense to you.  I am trying to explain why the world makes no sense to anyone.  Forgive me if I did not make that clear from the start.


But don’t stop now.  Ring chromosomes is where things start getting interesting, and relevant to us today.


In the gold rush which was scientific discovery between 1900 and 1944 Ibn Sahl’s lens allowed scientists to confirm that humans had 23 pairs of chromosome all of which are shaped, roughly, like “XX”.


The last chromosome, chromosome 23, is not. 


XX and XY are not unique to humans.  Most mammals, some reptiles and even some plants have similarly shaped software.  We all know now that the shape of the chromosome has nothing to do with its function, that each chromosome is a software application, but science did not know that in 1933 when the Reichstag burned down.


But scientists had seen enough to proclaim men all had an XY and women all had an XX chromosome.  Except where they did not.


Lillian Vaughan Hunt discovered a rare few had XO chromosomes!


Full stop.


I insist we all reflect on my theses in this series on academic offenses across the ages.  I insist that an occupational hazard intrinsic to academia increases the risk of delusion and, ultimately, paranoia at critical thresholds on the innovation curve.  I have herein documented the innovation curve beginning with the invention of optical lenses, and concurrent epiphanies with which accredited academia failed to cope.


All of my preceding essays in this series leads to this moment, to the discovery of ring chromosomes because that epiphany is the rabbit hole down which the scientific community fell in the 1930s.


Forget what you know you know, and pretend you only know what you could have known in 1930.


If a man is XY and a women is XX, what is a person with XO?


Anyone?  Anyone?  Miss Adler?


The correct answer is you don’t know.  Neither did the Socialist International or National Socialists.  I don’t know what the Soviets did following this discovery.  I anticipate their more universal tolerance of physical differences insulated them from the initial impact, but a shocking discovery made at Hitler’s bunker years later would ignite Soviet interest into an international obsession.


I’ll explain after I recall how the National Socialist Worker’s Party handled the news.  Adolph Hitler commissioned an expedition led by SS officer Ernst Schafer to search the Himalaya mountain regions for evidence of the Aryan race.


Seriously, he did.  You can’t make this shit up.  This is what passed for science in the 1930s. 


While the SS searched for evidence of their ancestors in Tibet, NAZI doctors went to work measuring every minute detail of every “German” they could get their hands on.  Schools were excellent places to start because schools were filled with ignorant, compliant children who did what they were told.  Children were measured and catalogued and graded against extremely scientific criteria.


Everyone who did not measure up to the Aryan standard was added to a list.  Who knows, someday science may have a cure for those people.  We all know how science works.  It was no different in the years after the National Socialists Worker’s Party seized power.


Children with ring chromosomes all ended up on Adolph Hitler’s list because, invariably, they each had discernable differences in their physiology.  In that age all variance from the imagined Aryan standard was deemed a “birth defect”, a degenerate form a genetic outcome which could, should and would be weeded out of the gene pool.


It was just science.


Back at the Wolf’s Lair, the NAZI leadership all had personal problems of their own.  None of them measured up to the Aryan standard.  If the Soviets are to be trusted, which I insist they are not, then Adolph Hitler had fallen short of the Aryan mark in the tone of his skin.


I cannot accept this story to be accurate, but the rumors have lingered in the ether since VE Day, so we are all obligated to dispel the myth if it cannot be proven.  The Soviets insist Adolph Hitler was genetically flawed, fatally flawed.


How?  Adolph Hitler was too white.  At least in spots.


It is in fact true that children with ring chromosomes can often be characterized as having patchy complexions, regions of their skin which do not produce melanin.  They are not albino.  They just don’t produce melanin in all regions of their skin. 


There is no documentation in the public domain which confirms Adolph Hitler was hypopigmented, to use the formal diagnosis, but there is ample anecdotal evidence that Adolph Hitler wore makeup.  Not lipstick or eye liner, mind you, but pancake makeup, similar to that worn by actors.


Of course, that would make sense since Joseph Goebbels was filming every public appearance Adolph Hitler made from 1927 forward.  Makeup compensated for poor lighting, and the NAZI’s Master of Propaganda was meticulous about lighting.  Everything, from venues to uniform colors were all chosen to reach maximum effect in black and white film. 


Black, white, grey, brown and red looked best on film so that is why the NAZI Party was draped in these tones.  No other reason but film.  Joseph Goebbels knew the Social Psyche he was targeting was on the other side of Ibn Sahl’s lens and he wanted every NAZI to stand out from the crowd, above the crowd in the eyes of his audience.


Had the National Socialist Worker’s party risen to power a few decades alter, they’d all have been wearing different colors, of that you may be sure.

If Soviet reports are to be believed, tissues tested on the remains thought to be those of Adolph Hitler, revealed the Fuhrer was born with a ring chromosome. 


Full stop.  No, make that a screeching halt.


Since the Soviet Union made it to Hitler’s bunker before the Allies, the west has been entirely dependent on Soviet sources for all information on the final hours of Adolph Hitler & Company.  Consider whom of which we speak:  For decades the Bolsheviks were accused by Hitler of being the “fake Proletariat”, owing to their obvious physical flaws, their “mongoloid eyes”. 


The Bolsheviks where, therefore, motivated to establish the opposite.  The Substantia Nigra was where the battle between the Socialist International and the National Socialists would be decided.  Because melanin was by 1945 known to be a critical component in human neurology, anyone with too much or too little melanin was immediately subjected to scrutiny by neurophysiologists.


Both the Socialist International and the National Socialist Worker’s party had lots of those.  None of them had answers.  Scientists today still don’t fully understand the role melanin plays in human neurology.  It is known that the Substantia Nigra is deficient in patients suffering from Parkinsons, so it has long been accepted – though it remains only an assumption – that melanin functions as a circuit breaker in human neurology.


That is an intuitive guess, and likely correct, but it has never been proven.  Melanin, you see, interacts with electromagnetic energy.  Melanin blocks UV radiation in the skin and prevents genetic damage from occurring.


In the brainstem, where the Substantia Nigra is located, it is thought that melanin plays a similar role in blocking chemo-electric signals produce by the nervous system.  In other words, the Substantia Nigra was speculated to function like a fuse in a fuse bow.  In case the nervous system produced too much chemo-electric current, the Substantia Nigra would buffer the brainstem from being overloaded.


I agree, that sounds like pretty boring stuff to you and me, but to anyone looking for “proof” they were evolving, or were superior to others, the fuse in the brain’s fuse box is critically important.


In the years leading up to neurologists from the University of Vienna to Columbia University were convinced the Substantia Nigra played a determinant role in higher cognitive function and motor coordination.


It is from these early “hypotheses” about the Substantia Nigra that racists drew tragic conclusion.  The origins of the “dumb nigger” and “angry nigger” are found in speculation about melanin’s role in human neurology.

Racism isn’t at all ‘skin deep”.  And racism begins at conception because, as it was also discovered in the early twentieth century, the first two organs to form in a human fetus are the skin and neural bud.


I pray you are starting to get it.  Science was falling headlong down a deluded, psychotic rabbit hole.  Before World War II even broke out, accredited academia had discovered reasons why darker skinned people were inferior to white lighter skinned people.  It was not about black and white.  It was a gradient which ranged between the extremes.


And the extremes both battled over the implications.


Darker skinned scientists said, “Wait one minute!  Who is to say that too little melanin is not the problem? 


To the Soviets in the years after World War II, establishing that Adolph Hitler’s furious personality was attributable to a melanin deficiency in his neurological tissue, that was just too perfect of a propaganda opportunity to pass up.


In the years since VE Day socialists have pointed to another historical figure who had a similar skin condition: Iesus of Nazareth!  The Soviets chose to slay two dragons with the same lie.  It no longer matters who Adolph Hitler was in reality, of what degree of melanin he had, the Soviet’s gambit worked its magic in the Social Psyche.


Nobody could argue that Iesus of Nazareth had “skin like Alabaster”, as documented in the Koran, nor that he flew into a rage while confronting the money changers at the Temple in Jerusalem.  Soviet agents provocateurs, and too many useful idiots, have consistently beat this drum since VE day.  At least in neurological circles.


How do I know?  Because my grandmother was close, personal friends with a leading researcher following the war.  My grandmother’s friend was a leading expert in cancer research who specialized in melanin’s role in the formation of melanomas.


I can’t share anything interesting, but I had front row seats to a scientific mystery which continues to this day.  The point I am making is that the day Adolph Hitler put a pistol to his head and stopped evolving, is the day the Socialist International started crucifying Iesus of Nazareth all over again.  If Adolph Hitler was in fact the “White Devil”, as socialist neurologists claim, birds of a feather applied in retrospect.  At least in socialist minds.


Mind you, I am Christian and don’t believe a word of any of that crap.  As a Christian, I was warned that I will be persecuted because of Christ.  What I never expected to learn was that Christ is being persecuted because of Hitler.  Wrap your head around that!


I could go into more disturbing details on black vs white, but this rabbit hole is making me sick.  Just make a note of it because, odd though it may seem, my discovery led me to the origins of the “White Devil” in African mythology.  Spoiler Alert: Salt is the “White Devil”.


I believe a little hope is in order, don’t you think?  Hope we will all find on a hospital ship during the D Day invasion, so to the D Day Invasion I turn.