In Defense of Naturalism

In defense of Naturalism I can offer little in the way of a defense.  The reason has less to do with my attitude toward the world’s latest belief system as it has to do with the brevity and ambiguity of its creed.


Known the world over by many names, I offer the term “Naturalism” in defining a wide array of post-industrial belief systems predicated on the veneration of and worship of the natural world, of “nature” as a discrete spiritual entity.


Among the many denominations of post-industrial Naturalism are adherents identifying as Pagans, Wiccans, Warlocks, Witches, the World Tribal Movement and too many to properly represent in a thorough list.


Since each of these “denominations” maintain entirely distinct beliefs on metaphysics, even a comparison in contrast would be too laborious for me to undertake in a summary defense.  What binds all of these belief systems are two, dominant perceptions.


The first perception is that life bearing planets are themselves living entities capable of not just sentience, but cognition in the spiritual dimension.


The second perception is that the major religious traditions of the world are all variations on indigenous beliefs, beliefs coopted by a male hierarchy and codified into fascistic communities we call “religion” today.


I will be arguing that fallacies in the first case compound with fallacies and paranoia in the second case to render a majority of post-industrial Naturalist belief systems anti-social, fantasy-fiction, role-playing groups at their core.


Why, then, would I bother to defend Naturalism at all?  Because I believe that Life in the aggregate, but not the planets on which it forms, is in fact an integral extension of the Divine Benevolence which created all Life in the first place.


If you have not read my defense of Shintoism, now would be a great time to do so, for I believe Shintoism is the most mature form Naturalism assumes in living example.  My audience would be correct to ask, why I do not just refer the Pagans, Wiccans, Warlocks and Witches in my audience to Shintoism when addressing the topic of Naturalism.


Because, though I do not agree with the precepts of any post-industrial Naturalist belief system, I am four square in favor of their right, indeed their obligation to dedicate themselves to the study and worship of nature.


After all, how could I claim to be a Christian who believes in the narratives of Genesis and not realize that Naturalism is religion as the Creator intended religion to be in the first place?


Full stop.


Do not mistake me for claiming post-industrial Naturalism bears any resemblance to the Naturalism the Creator intended us to practice.  I am just stating the obvious.  In the beginning, before The Fall of Mankind, the Creator formed the family of Mankind and intended us to live in Paradise, to walk in Creation in amazed wonder at the plethora of flora and fauna all around us, and name everything we discovered along the way. 


Just because the Fall of Man occurred, does not mean the OEM software driving every human soul is not still operative in every soul. 


In fact, I am convinced this is precisely why cities of stone and concrete all decay into human misery.  Cities, as we have constructed them historically, have all been attempts to combat the effects of a fallen world.  We do not design cities to emulate the garden paradise our souls long for, but to defeat the myriad ways in which humans perish under disease and pestilence.


Granted, we cannot wish the fall away, but neither can we deny the OEM software compelling us all to leave civilization behind and walk naked and unafraid in the lush Paradise of our imaginations.


In defense of Naturalism, then, I mean to just acknowledge the single truth being buried under a mountain of post-industrial lies.


We all enter life a Child of God, bound by nature, yearning for relationship with the Creator using nature as proxy.


Trying to argue with post-industrial “Naturalists” to turn their back on their OEM software is futile and, I belief, sinful.  Rather than oppose Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Warlocks and the rest, recognize that, though they are far from the moment of Mankind’s inception, returning to an imagined state of nature is likely the only place they will discover the Immortal Truth.


Do not argue against the fallacies of post-industrial Naturalist beliefs.  My research will correct their course in short order.


My first objective is to disavow post-industrial Naturalists of the notion that the planet is a cognizant entity, a Maternal Goddess named Gaia who only wants to nurture her children.  Under this belief, the very land itself is offered as a Divine Sentience which includes all forms of life as nodes in Her corporal form, and all forms of matter and energy in her spiritual form.  Under this belief system Gaia will restore the Paradise to which all major religions allude, if only men are kept from raping the planet.


My discovery makes the matter of a Celestial Mother absolutely clear.  Our ancestors did in fact believe in a Celestial Mother, but it was the Moon, not the earth which was Her most potent emblem.  Watch my video essay on Solar & Lunar Cycles located in the Introduction section of this website.


It is true that our ancestors recognized a Mother of an Earth Realm, but so too did they recognize a Mother of an Ocean Realm and an Air Realm.  These “realms” are more properly to be considered “domains” of government.  These Matriarchs, you see, are all Principals of the Nobility, stations of service necessary in an age when government was designed to emulate the Divine Order.


And I also have no doubt whatsoever that maternal exemplars throughout history were regarded as Saints or Devi by posterity, many even venerated by their disciples.  But there was never a time, until Galileo’s age, that our ancestors perceived our planet to be a thing, much less a living thing.


You see, until Capurnicus proved the earth was a sphere, what we all regard today as a planet was merely regarded as terra firmma.  The solid ground.  Mind you, references to Motherlands are replete in both the phonetic record and the iconographic record, but none I have encountered to date have implied more than that.


The Madre De Occidente, held up by Europe’s post-Industrial Naturalist community as Gaia in western Europe, is not the “Mother Earth.  The Madre De Occidente is a Motherland.


On Christmas Day of 2023, all confusion over Gaia and the Madre De Occidente will end.


I do not offer an unfair critique of post-industrial Naturalism, which hinges in all of its variants on an imagined, aboriginal feminism.  Under post-industrial Naturalism, it is widely believed that the world’s modern religions are just fascist corruptions of a Pagan religion, a religion where the Maternal Divine was venerated before men offered a Paternal Divine entity to replace Gaia.


Explaining to children of the 21st century how adults in their lives came to hold such caustic beliefs will require a review of the Socialist Outrages of the 20th Century, a review I am loath to undertake.  If I get that far in my published research, I will do so when I am older and wiser.


For the time being I will limit myself to documenting, to everyone’s satisfaction that the planet we live on is not a nurturing, loving goddess, but a phenomenon in astrophysics which, if not replenished and subdued, will kill all of us in short order. 


As we are all about to discover together in 2024, the “planet Goddess” of post-industrial imaginations is preparing for its next attempt at extermination.  A repeat of the Super Eruption of 80,000 BC is not likely to occur in our lifetimes, but so immediate and so certain is a repetition of geophysical history, that wasting precious time on fantasy-fiction, role-playing is a prelude to a kill.


I would say enough said, but my dire warning obscures my defense of Naturalism and all those who identify as any of its many variants.


I believe it is possible for every human being to achieve enlightenment on the metaphysical dimensions of life if they make an honest and sincere effort to do so.  If returning to the beginning, if walking naked and unafraid in a state of nature is where you must begin on your journey to the truth, I bless you in your effort and applaud you for your courage.


Few have such courage.


And courage is precisely what it will take to begin again, from scratch, which is precisely what Naturalists will have to do just to re-learn the lessons learned by adherents of The Dreaming, Shintoism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism and Christianity.


I just believe Naturalists are reinventing the wheel.


Worse, Neo-Pagans, Wiccans, Witches and Warlocks all over the world are plagiarizing the Iconographic Record, committing the same sin as the National Socialist Worker’s Party in the 20th Century.  Post-industrial Naturalists regard the Iconographic Record, which is replete with naturalistic iconography, as a blank canvas on which to project their beliefs.


I do not delight in what is about to occur.  


On Christmas Day of 2023, 2 million Neo-Pagans, Wiccans, Witches and Warlocks are all about to discover they have been foolishly led, though their motivations and individual rights are, respectively, sincere and irrevocable.


Everyone has the right to begin from the beginning if that is where their soul is compelled to go.  None of us has the right to stand in their way or object.  I just believe Naturalists would better serve themselves and their communities to study the major religious traditions of the world, if only to save themselves time.


I also believe the study of any religious tradition is most efficacious in a state of nature, with no cultural pollution between the student and the Guru of Gurus!  Read any of the major religious treatises throughout history.  You will find the wisest of the wise, the Prophets and the Saints, all resorted to the wilderness in their personal quest for enlightenment.


Nature is indeed a Cathedral, the place of the seat of the Teacher of Teachers.


What post-industrial Naturalists cannot learn in a state of nature they can learn on this website.


Enough for now.




An Unknown Soldier