
In this series of essays I connect the dots between the prayers of a single believer, Ibn Sahl, and every mistake accredited academia has made since the 6th Century AD.

Why such a narrow scope in retrospective?

Because the geographical breadth and chronological depth of the Iconographic Record I just deciphered will induce reforms in accredited academia even I cannot predict.

Truthfully, I had to start somewhere.  I believe its always best to begin at the beginning.

I chose Ibn Sahl’s invention of modern optics as the logical place to start since, without Ibn Sahl, my discovery would have been impossible. 

 My essay on Ibn Sahl will explain why.  


Halfway through nine years of fieldwork and research, it dawned on me there wasn’t a textbook in the humanities department that will remain on the shelves after this discovery passes peer review.


And there is a PhD. attached to each and every book rendered obsolete.

The essays offered in this section will attempt to prime the thread for my colleagues in the Humanities Department and, I pray, guide them to the realization they all need to redo their homework.

How accredited academia got “pre-history” so wrong, I endeavor to explain in the essays linked on the right.