On The Hunt

Gen Z will rejoice I have finally arrived in the post-War world.  I am probably going out on a limb when I say this, but Gen Z probably didn’t read any of the above.  That is a shame because I just provided a synopsis on a master’s degree. 


Gen Z needs to learn, the more important things in life can’t be learned or understood within a 180-character limit.  The Twitteratti are lost.  Let them go.  The rest of us are left to address the perennial failure of accredited academia: History repeating.


History is indeed repeating because accredited academia simply refuses to acknowledge the reasons World War I and World War II broke out in the first place.  Accredited academia remains convinced its stuff doesn’t stink. 


In this soldier’s humble opinion, accredited academia has the stinkiest stuff in history and I here intend to rub their noses in it.


When challenged to respond to my gauntlet, accredited academia will insist that their institutions have undergone dramatic changes in the post-War world, that my concerns are valid prior to 1945 but no longer.


I will allow my audience to be the judge of that.


Don’t ask me why they called it the post-War world.  It’s obvious to everyone with a newspaper subscription, a radio or a television that there has been a steady stream of conflict since VJ Day.  The intelligentsia has just chosen to ignore that as fact.


Don’t ask me why.  In my current mood my answer will not be generous.  But since Christmas is just one week away, I owe it to my expectant followers to complete this series in time for the Christmas Reveal.


History is repeating because accredited academia made Adolph Hitler the “boogeyman” of all time.  Accredited academia had to make Adolph Hitler the boogeyman, for that was the only way to absolve themselves of the systemic failures leading inexorably to the Socialist Outrages of the last century.


Don’t mistake me for rehabilitating the Fuhrer.  If I were King of the World, that psychotic would be first in line for a needle in the back side, but there would be tens of thousands in line after him.  I just refuse to accept that over 300 million souls were exterminated because of a funny moustache with a bad temper.


And that is precisely what pseudoscience expects us all to believe.  For reasons which at first seemed incomprehensible to me, accredited academia in the west played right along.  Everyone everywhere agreed the world could never again allow a “boogeyman” to rise to power, and the Great NAZI Hunt was on.


Today, we all witness the tragic culmination of this farce in the trenches of Ukraine where, periodically, we are all provided photographic evidence of Neo-Nazis covered in tattoos fighting on both sides of the war.  These reports are delivered in a dead-pen manner, as though half of us don’t know these men were all just role playing NAZIs in the Great NAZI Hunt before Russia invaded.


Are you pulling focus on the scope of the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine?  There were good reasons to throw one’s self into the Great NAZI Hunt. Don’t mistake me for suggesting otherwise.  


First, at the close of World War II, a majority of the NAZI party’s middle echelon were merely allowed to disarm and return to their homes.  That is understandable.  There were too few prisons, and the concentration camps were all crime scenes.  But, as we all learned in Nuremberg, nearly every NAZI official, all the way up to Hitler, was just a good man following orders.




I’d like to take this opportunity to read the orders every American Soldier is required to follow.  There are two types of orders.  There are General Orders and there are Special Orders.  General Orders must be followed by all servicemen.  Not even Special Orders can override General Orders.  Special Orders are those originating from superiors on any given day for any given reason.


A critical clause in the General Orders I was given reads “I will follow all lawful orders.”


There is certain to be a lawyer or two in the audience, so do advise if I am reading this clause incorrectly, but the inverse, which would read “I will not follow unlawful orders” is implicit in the clause as stated.


Correct?  Correct.


I do not accept that good men are expected to follow unlawful orders.  My General Orders require I do not.  Of course, I served in the 1980s and 1990s.  The men on trial at Nuremberg served in the 1930s and 1940s. 


Maybe we are evolving after all, huh?  Not.


I decided to fact check myself this morning and discovered to my horror that the aforementioned clause, you know, the one about only following lawful orders, is not among the eleven General Orders operative in the United States Armed Forces today.  I pray that is because a lawyer just got ambitious with the language.


God forbid the DOD had enough of going over the top on unlawful orders.  I am aware that we don’t want every private to be a litigant, but the clause is this nation’s last line of defense from war crimes.


Don’t think for a moment that soldiers don’t throw red flags on the field.  It happens all the time.  You just don’t hear about it because soldiers are not motivated by a desire to become an “influencer” or a “civil rights hero”.  


A man I served with in the Army went over the top during a United Nation’s mission during which explicitly unlawful orders were issued and lives were lost.  I won’t rehash “ancient history” unless the DOD wants to get into it.  After learning what happened to the man in question, I filed a formal report with Law Enforcement on the matter.  So no, I don’t offer quarter to cowards in uniform who execute unlawful orders.


In fact, I share the outrage of all who believe the administration of justice in post-War Deutschland was entirely inadequate.  But I accepted the judgement of all senior to me in life when I enlisted in the United States Army.  


I was informed, and I accepted, that the Allied West was engaged in an existential struggle with the Socialist International, that the fight was not over, that it had just begun.  Everyone senior to me in life was correct.  Just let the record reflect, justice for the middle echelon of the National Socialist Worker’s Party was neglected to repair a badly damaged Deutschland.


The lofty objective of holding all accountable receded further away with the acknowledgement that principal officers, strategic leaders, paradigm shifters of the National Socialist Worker’s Party abandoned their subordinates and vanished in the night with suitcases filled with illicit cash and gold bullion.


To many, the Nuremberg Trials were just a bone to take the growl out of the dog.


Everything from Nuremberg on amounts to a normalization gesture by the Allied West.  There is neither shame nor design in that effort.  The Allies were in a desperate condition.  Nothing of pre-War Europe remained, and every industrial center of Asia lay in ruins as well.   As of VJ Day, only the Soviet Union and the United States possessed any appreciable industrial capacity, and the world teetered on the brink of starvation.


Leaders in the West wisely encouraged everyone to “Keep Calm and Carry On.”  To many, the appearance was given that the Allies were sticking their heads in the sand in ending the post-War prosecutions of Nazis.  Others still became convinced that Nazi sympathizers were behand justice denied.  The truth is the Allied West was grossly outnumbered and would have been steam rolled by Soviet forces if they had decided to continue to the Atlantic.  


The Soviets didn’t destroy everything west of Berlin because it had already been destroyed.  Armies march on their stomachs, or at least they used to.  In the age of mechanized warfare, armies needed fuel.  By the time the Allies and the Soviet Armies closed in around Berlin, there wasn’t a spare liter of petrol or loaf of bread to be had anywhere on the European continent.


I believe Patton was well aware of the logistical realities facing the Soviets and insisted the Allies could win.  Patton argued, correctly, that the Soviets were on their last gas and couldn’t feed, much less rearm their forces if it came to blows with the west.


Patton was correct.  But that doesn’t mean Patton was right.  To keep World War II from breaking World War I records, the Allies agreed to disagree with pseudoscience.


When the world is literally lying in ruins all around you, that is all you can do.  War rations in the United States and Great Britain were extended far beyond VJ Day in order to ensure enough supplies were on hand to feed Deutschland and Japan.  Just imagine that.  In truth, the threat of Soviet influence in these defeated enemies made the Allied West more humanitarian nations.


General George Catlett Marshal Jr. rallied the Allies around his plan to reconstruct our former enemies and rehabilitate them as democratic nations.


Sidebar in a Sidebar: I don’t believe the Medal of Honor will have been adequate in recognition of his accomplishments.  We really should introduce an honor befitting service of Marshal’s caliber.


While Stalin’s generals were planning Act 3 of the Socialist International on the Korean Peninsula, generals in the Allied West were planning a world economy which would never be so weak as to fall victim to pseudoscience again.


I am waiting on tenterhooks to see if they succeeded.


We all are.


The 1950s were supposed to be dedicated to recovery and rebuilding, but the Soviets acquired the plans to America’s secret weapon, the atomic bomb and we were immediately at war again.  Socialist scientists convinced a clique of North Koreans they had evolved into a superior species, and we were all off to the races.


McArthur personally staunched the blood flow on the Korean Peninsula and faded away.  The Allied West resumed their recovery operations, but socialists were whispering in ears along the Mekong.  It wasn’t long before the new species of hominid was planning a war of extermination in Vietnam, Loas and Cambodia.


We nearly lost that fight.  Not in the jungles of Vietnam, but here in the United States.  Leaders in the United States assumed every American was four-square against pseudoscience, but by 1945 the attitudes of too many racists were dependent on the narratives of human evolution.


Maybe you heard of Jim Crow.  Jim Crow was not a Senator from the South.  Jim Crow was damned near every Senator in the South.  Anyone who suggests the Allied West was not fighting enemies foreign AND domestic is following themselves.


I want the record to reflect that, according to the last racist Senator from the South, Senator Robert Byrd, I am a “white nigger”.


The word “Nigger”, racists like Byrd insist, is misunderstood by liberals.  According to Senator Robert Byrd, the term refers to a deficiency in character, not skin color.  According to racists like Byrd, “niggers” are people who don’t possess the cognitive capacity to desire a better world for themselves, and so wallow in poverty. 


According to racists like Senator Byrd, there were both “black niggers” and “white niggers”.  Don’t you feel relieved?  Until the moment I hear Senator Robert Byrd defend racist attitudes like that, I was not aware Klan members were equal opportunity haters. 


Clearly General Grant’s intentions for public education in the United States was never fulfilled.  We all owe it to General Grant to evaluate the reasons why.


I offer that mandated, public education failed to eliminate racism in the United States because the Agnostics and Atheists dominated the field of education from the start.  Accredited Academia was never more thrilled than the day President U.S. Grant mandated everyone go to school.  Their day had come at last.


And it did.  But only on their terms.  In less than one generation, the origins narrative every child was taught until that moment, a narrative which instructed every child was a miracle of Creation, vanished in a popular, constitutional argument: The Separation of Church and State!


Except, no such clause exists in the United States Constitution. No matter.  There is also no such species as “nigger” in science.  Both became the coin of the new realm.


Racists in accredited academia decided, just because the Righteous had won the Civil War, that didn’t mean science could not still win the peace.  Agnostics and Atheists in accredited academia agreed religion had to go.  Just look at religion’s report card.  Religion had failed to anticipate every major scientific discovery in the last two thousand years.


Do you really want someone that incompetent steering the car? 


Agnostics and Atheists agreed to graduate the curriculum away from traditional values and toward hard science.  The problem, as I have just documented, there was little which was “hard” about science between 1863 and 1933.  There was plenty of pseudoscience to go around, and pseudoscience was taught.  


The failure of pseudoscience is found in the flattery they lavished on themselves.  Relative to religion’s wholesale failures, those of the Ivory Tower looked trivial.


Except they were anything but trivial.  Accredited academia has simply refused to accept that all the racists they warn us about are direct derivatives of pseudoscience escaping from their labs.


I only wish Senator Byrd was alive today so we could all listen more carefully to him.  I am certain he would have explained it was all plain to see.  Senator Byrd was raised, as every good, southern child was raised, with an obligation to attend public school.  And in public school he was taught what we were all taught, that we evolved into human beings.


Senator Robert Byrd was taught humans first evolved in Africa, then migrated to India, Asia and Europe where they continued to evolve into Indians, Asians and Europeans.


I am also certain, if we were patient enough to listen, Senator Robert Byrd will have explained that there were “niggers” in India, Asia and Europe, just as there were “niggers” in Africa.


Garbage in, garbage out.


Mind you, let’s not all jump on a Freedom Bus and head for the Mason Dixon Line, for this same psychotic pseudoscience is taught north of the Mason Dixon Line.  Northerners just know better than to voice the same conclusions.  Northerners adhere to the same narrative of human evolution and “celebrate” anyone who wallows in poverty, adopts them as their cause.




The sad reality is that even today, in 2023, school children are required to sit on little hard seats, in concrete classrooms, all facing forward, none making a sound, for twelve years, in order to memorize narratives they will be prosecuted for as adults.


Don’t believe me?


Consider which universities your child will get into if their Admissions Essay is entitled “Genesis is the Truth, Evolution is a lie.”  The answer to that mystery, as we all know, is “None which are not run by the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and few of those that are.”


Mind you, students in the United States are required to memorize and recall to the satisfaction of faculty everywhere the tenets of human evolution, but if they believe it, they are racists.


Senator Robert Byrd was born a miracle of Creation and was then subject to public education. Senator Robert Byrd was educated by the lowest bidder.   I don’t believe children fail school.  I believe schools fail children.  Senator Robert Byrd is the poster child in my argument.


My discovery proves, if nothing else, racists like Senator Robert Byrd are in fact casualties in an intellectual war the righteous have been losing consistently since Galileo’s day.


By Senator Robert Byrd’s day, accredited academia had fallen into complete chaos on all matters relating to human evolution.  I do not even have the strength to enumerate all the fault lines.  So many, so deep and so dangerous are the fissures opening beneath the feet of the intelligentsia, that I fear my discovery will open a chasm from which few in the Ivory Tower will escape.


But I will address the most dangerous fissure in higher education today, that opened by the Biofeminist movement.


Just like the National Socialists and International Socialists before them, Biofeminists became convinced they unlocked the secret to human evolution at long last.  It was hormones!  


According to Biofeminist theory, evolution occurs along gender lines.  Biofeminists insist that human morphology is a function of gender morphology, a process governed and administered by the female of sexually reproducing organisms.


Under Biofeminist hypotheses, every man, woman and child begin life as female!  During gestation, hormones influence gender expression from the feminine default.  Under Biofeminist hypotheses of human evolution, males are evolutionary adaptations, specimens of an otherwise docile species necessary to survive in a once hostile world, specimens designed to impulsively act with aggression to any outside threat.


You think I am kidding? 


Tragically, I am not.  This pseudo-scientific curricula was being taught in California’s high schools as early as the late 1980s, and likely persists in one form or another to this day.  At the collegiate level, this curricula finds its roots in the biology department, with branches that extend into the humanities department.


Herstory began to replace His-story in syllabi throughout the University of California System.  Before anyone realized it existed, gender studies was a thing, and, unfortunately, we find ourselves off to the races again.


Except, technically, we can’t call it race, can we?


Full stop.  I refuse to crawl into everyone’s head and work out any confusion on gender distinctions being made.  What concerns me is the distinct, proletarian air which insists that the female gender exists a-priori and that the male is a biological spur made necessary only to perpetuate the female of the species.


This is precisely what is being suggested by the most radical Biofeminists in science.


Biofeminists were labelled “Feminazis” by detractors on the right and, thusly was a hypothesis inflated into a battle of the sexes.  A battle of the sexes quickly compounded into the current Gender War we are all fighting.


I insist we all remember there are children in the room, some of them just as loyal and just as dutiful as Senator Robert Byrd.  I implore the Agnostics and Atheists in accredited academia to consider the ramifications to human history when they are proven wrong on the new front.


Will not shoving thumbs in the devil’s eye come back to haunt us all on the day “gender evolution” is proven wrong?  


I am convinced that both sides in the latest rhetorical joust are intentionally modulating in extremes to push their rival past their limits.  I implore the righteous to intervene and send all warring factions to their corners.


I am no geneticist, but I appreciate statistical probabilities as well as anyone in the Herstory Department.  There is no way possible that Biofeminist hypotheses about procreation will ever prove valid.  To suggest that the chicken came before the rooster is, frankly, absurd.


Ibn Sahl’s lens has already proven that as fact.


You would think that the faculty at the Seven Sisters, where Biofeminist “theory” originates, would know that.  In 1759, Caspar Friedrich Wolff discovered the eponymously named Wolffian Ducts of the human reproductive system.  It took nearly a century more before, in 1830, Johannes Peter Muller discovered the eponymously named Mullerian Ducts of the human reproductive system. 


Never heard of these men or their ducts before?  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  You may have gone to school where Robert Byrd or Jane Fonda went to school.  The Wolffian and Mullerian ducts of the human reproductive system only exist in the womb.  As a child develops from zygote to embryo, then from embryo to fetus, all the necessary hardware and software is put in place.


Wolffian ducts are the organs which develop into male genitalia.  Mullerian ducts are those which develop into female genitalia.


“So?”, you ask.


So, we are all born with a set of each.


Complete, abrupt halt.


Am I suggesting that we are all born with both male and female sexual genitalia?


No, I am informing you, as delicately as I can, that Arabian scholars four thousand years ago informed anyone willing to listen that we are all born male and female.  Forgive me for citing the Holy Bible, but Genesis is absolutely clear on the matter. 


In Genesis, the Divine Template from which Mankind was designed is reported as a plurality: God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.  From the Divine Duality of the Creator was an earthly plurality formed, male and female.  Male and female, They made man.


I know, the Senator Robert Byrd School of Medicine insists that Genesis says male “OR” female, but read Genesis for yourself.  The word “and” is an inclusive article.  The word “or” is an exclusive article.


Shocker huh?


This passage form Genesis will confuse Jane Fonda and her colleagues in the Seven Sisters, the woman’s colleges which were, because of male chauvinism in the Ivory Tower, subordinate adjuncts of the major Ivy League universities.


The Seven Sisters have, since World War II, decided the Y chromosome is an extremely crooked letter.   Because of the Seven Sisters we are not allowed to discuss Wolffian Ducts or Mullerian Ducts because that would “humanize” the human fetus, and that would threaten abortion as a sanctioned medical procedure.


Malthus has never stopped screaming “There are too many mouths to feed.”, not in the imaginations of the accredited academia.  John Dewey and Margaret Sanger believed Malthus, body, mind and psyche, so exported their pseudoscience around the world.


With blinders firmly affixed to their faces, Biofeminists of the Herstory department have been transforming the operative paradigm in the biological sciences and humanities department.


Anything which could be X-shifted was X-shifted, and everything that could not was subjected to open ridicule.  Predictably, the New School shifted too far when they began to insist in the late 1980s that we all begin life as female.


Biofeminists do not believe in a master race, but they insist there is a master gender.


War, pestilence, famine, disease, over population, all of the ills of recent history are, according to the Herstory Department, because the male population was allowed to grow out of control.  Males, you see, were only necessary, in their current proportion, while humans battled for survival against apex predators. 


In the modern world, according to Biofeminists, the male of the species has turned on its own and become the apex predator.  World War I was because of men.  World War II was because of men.  The Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, all the wars are because of men, men, men!


It’s extremely scientific. 


And because no major thesis has been offered in formal channels, because Biofeminists prefer to work without the trappings of male organization, Biofeminist “theory” is a boil not easily lanced.


Despite the threat posed by the new pseudoscience, I am obligated to admit that the realities of human procreation, as given in Genesis, do not measure up to the mumbo-jumbo of modern medicine.  But which synonyms would the Seven Sisters have preferred our fathers and mothers have used?


Better still, here is a challenge even the Seven Sisters cannot refuse.  I challenge the Seven Sisters of the Ivy League to require all PhD. Candidates publish their theses, from now on, within the 180-character limit of Twitter.


Don’t mistake me for being facetious.  If accredited academia were required to enlighten us all within the succinct boundaries of the Twitterverse, there would be a lot less mumbo-jumbo to sort through.


That is precisely what Genesis is, a succinct summary.  In all ages when knowledge was maintained by oral tradition, in the living memories of ordinary people, lofty dissertations filled with footnotes, sources and methods were extraneous to the purpose.


Am I claiming that Genesis is the equal of modern science? 


Not at all!


I am merely making the observation that, when the brevity and clarity of a four-thousand-year-old text is more accurate than the pseudoscience rearing its ugly head at the world’s major universities, the Seven Sisters may have wandered too far out of bounds.


Instead of relying on Gensis, I will rely on Ibn Sahl. 


Ibn Sahl’s microscope has, since 1830, improved greatly.  Medical science has established that the gonads, the organs which produce sperm in males and eggs in females, is more closely associated with the Wolffian duct than with the Mullerian duct in human embryos. 


I do believe Jane Fond, an alumnus of the Seven Sisters, and their unofficial spokeswoman, has just thrown a red flag on the field.


Yes, Ms. Adler.  What is your concern?


I see.


Ms. Adler wants to know where I intend to go with this news.  


Ms. Adler has a poorly defined situational awareness.  Ms. Adler should be less concerned about where I intend to go with the news and more concerned about where men like Senator Robert Byrd intend to go with the news, for there are still such men out there.


No.  Me thinks Ms. Alder protests too much, me thinks.


But I’ll dignify Ms. Adler’s question with an answer.  The answer Ms. Adler is looking for will be found in Genesis, in the word “comparable”.  Ms. Adler and the medical sciences will be attempting to discern the order of precedence in human biology for years to come, but Arabian scholars arrived as an amicable answer four thousand years ago.


Arabian scholars insist that the male and female are comparable.  Not equals.  Not opposites.  Not different.  Not compliments. Comparables.


Comparable.  That, at least, was the English word chosen by Lord Tyndale the day he translated the Torah from the original Greek and Aramaic.  I believe Lord Tyndale chose well.  I advise we all use the word comparable when making gender distinctions before another species evolves.


Just don’t expect the arguments originating in the Herstory Department will end if we do.  But adopting inclusive language which does not subordinate either of the only two sexes, that will at least prepare us to amicably debate the matter into perpetuity.


As for myself, I am no expert on biology, so will lock horns with the Herstory Department within the boundaries of linguistics.  That is probably for the best.  I appear to have my hands full on that front.


You see, Margaret Murray, the Mother of the modern Wiccan movement, that which insists our planet is a sentient being capable of maintaining homeostasis, had pseudointellectual children of her own.  One was a young lady from Little Rock, Arkansas, named Margot Adler.


And no, that is not a coincidence.  Margot Adler is none other than the granddaughter of Alfred Adler, the mastermind behind nearly every nightmare of the last century.


Margot bears no guilt, not even by association, for she was born long after her namesake died.  No, Margot Adler was, predictably, just another of Alfred Adler’s victims, a girl who grew up to realize the toxic effects of her grandfather’s pseudoscience.


Margot Adler attended a Seven Sister’s college, the same that my mother attended at Columbia, and fell headlong into the Biofeminist rabbit hole.  Margot Adler went on to become a leading figure in the Wiccan movement, an advocate and chronicler of Neopaganism in general, and author of two acclaimed books on the subject.


I’ll refrain from piling on Margot Adler since she died of pancreatic cancer in 2014, a century, nearly to the day, that her grandfather learned his students had gone rogue and assassinated an Archduke.


In my published research I will offer Margot Adler as an example of the pendulum swinging the other way, the very model of the modern feminist general if you will.  Like with Margaret Murry, my obligation to counter the “hypotheses” of Ms. Adler derives from both intellectual and ethical obligation. 


Margot Adler, more than any other feminist in post-War history, is responsible for the legitimization and propagation of a delusion.  As a direct result, Margot Adler has given license and encouragement to millions of neopagans, wiccans and Celtic romantics to revise all “prehistory” and claim it in the name of Paganism.


I find the irony particularly bitter.  The very women who are blood sworn to prevent the next Hitler from rising to power, have resorted to that great psychotic’s plagiarism.  The Biofeminist movement decided to squat on everything that the NAZI Party used in NAZI propaganda.  Covens of “wiccans” chose to make all pre-historical iconography their own.


Instead of trying to decipher what was clearly language, radical feminists in accredited academia squatted on the archeological record and flaunted their claims in every furious face they could find on campus.


I remind my audience I take no pleasure in the epiphany to come.  My own sister was seduced by the movement Ms. Adler started, and will be among the walking wounded on Christmas Day of 2023.


This Christmas, pray for the innocents who have been misled into delusional beliefs, and invite them to explore the right side of history instead.   Don’t insist.  Invite.  Allow their eyes to adjust to the light and welcome them home when they do.


Give Neopagans time to adjust.  When any of your Neopagan family or friends are ready, lead them to this website and have them watch Gaia Deposed.


I believe they will come to their senses.


As for me, I have finale grades to deliver to my colleagues in Accredited Academia.